The Big Quiz Co - Glasgow Pub Quizzes and Beyond!

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Our Quizmasters

Here is a selection of Quizmasters who regularly present one or more of our quizzes:


Alan began running the company in 2007, and has built up a tradition of producing light-hearted, enjoyable quizzes.
Running the company as a full-time job, Alan takes the time to ensure that all of the questions are thoroughly researched, and that each quiz has a fair balance of subjects and difficulty. He also regularly presents quizzes in and around the Glasgow area.


Martin is one of our longest-serving Quizmasters, and has also tried his hand at compering and amateur comedy. His presenting talent means that any quiz he hosts is both engaging and fun for the quizzers, and he is known for adding his own personal touch to the quiz.

The Big Quiz Company is proud to be a registered member of the Federation of Small Businesses